Exit 95 Copyright © 1996 Mark Everhard A) Description B) Compatability C) Installation D) Registration E) More Info A) Description Exit 95 puts an icon in the taskbar tray, which holds a menu to exit windows, restart windows, or exit to MS-DOS with a mouse click. B) Compatability Exit 95 is intended to run only under Windows 95. C) Installation If installing from floppy disk: Select Run from the Taskbar Start menu, type the name of the setup file (e.g., a:\setup.exe), press the Enter key, and follow the prompts. If installing from .zip file: Unzip the file into an empty temporary directory, run setup.exe, and follow the prompts. D) Registration Exit 95 is Freeware! E) For more info: WWW URL: http://www.sprynet.com/sprynet/etech01/share.htm E-Mail: ETech01@sprynet.com